£20 Voucher for Stitch Customz
- Voucher can not be exchanged for cash.
- Voucher expires 30days after the winner has been announced.
- Items purchased with the voucher can not be returned or refunded under any circumstance.
- You must be 18+ to purchase any items that come with age restrictions
- Only ship to the UK
- Pyro. The only pyro listings available on this offer are the following. Your order may be cancelled if you use the voucher for items not listed below.
- Caffeine Mil-Sim
- Ultimate Mil-Sim
- Mix Pyro
- EG MK5 Crate
- EG Smoke Crate (Any)
- You may use the voucher for a whole order with multiple items.
- Ascension Research BBs are not part of this promotion. Your order will be cancelled.
- Full T&C